Nike Zoom Air provides more stability and firm on the ground as compared to Nike Pegasus that is less stable because of the extreme cushioning.Nike Pegasus is highly cushioned to provide support to the daily runners. Nike Zoom Air shoes have balanced cushioning that helps to put less stress on muscles and joints.Nike Zoom Air is designed for professional runners and athletes, whereas Nike Pegasus is for daily runners.Main Differences Between Nike Zoom Air and Pegasus This line of shoes was introduced in 1983, and till now, a variety of models have been released like Nike Air Pegasus 1983, Nike Air Pegasus 1987, Nike Air Pegasus 2000 etc.

To address those needs, Nike has added a Zoom Air bag that can be adjusted according to the pressure the runner needs. This pair of shoes are made for different sexes keeping in mind their different needs. Nike also widened the space around the forefoot so that the runner got more space for the toes and softer touch.

The mesh that is used in the upper unit of the shoe is breathable, thus becoming the best shoe for new runners. The durability is also higher as thick, hard rubber has been used as the base of the shoe.The Nike Air Zoom is very comfortable to wear and is fit for all types of runs. Since it is a model designed for daily runners, the shoes are highly cushioned so that it helps to absorb energy. Unlike the Nike Air Zoom shoes, the Nike Pegasus shoes have a very flexible forefoot.